Profile page

Dr Jennifer Fox

Research interests

Innovation and Impact in BioSciences Education

I am currently a Lecturer in the School of BioSciences. I completed my PhD thesis on plant-herbivore interactions and continued my post-doctoral work in this area with an Australian Plant Biotechnology company. In 2018 I completed a Master of Teaching and since then my research focuses on innovation in biological science education. I use a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research methods to evaluate education innovations at The University of Melbourne.

  • improving conceptual understanding of biological concepts
  • supporting scientific skill development
  • improving online learning
  • improving assessment design

Research projects

  • Building scientific skills in Biosciences students
  • Improving conceptual understanding of biology
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of online learning activities
  • Student conceptions of the nature of science
  • Designing and evaluating learning activities to develop student self-regulation and improve academic self-concept

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