Engagement and outreach in biosciences

We love to share our passion for the biological sciences and the work we do. This is why we work with schools and community groups, partners, alumni, and the public to share our research and demonstrate its impact.


Bee on flower

Botany Foundation

The Botany Foundation supports excellence in education and research in botany addressing issues relating to the use of plants, the environment, food security and nutrition.

Visit Botany Foundation
Three small rodents held in a hand

Native Australian Animals Trust

The Native Australian Animal Trust provides a way for people passionate about Australia’s wildlife and their environments to connect with and support the University of Melbourne’s research, teaching and engagement activities.

Find out more

Support our work

Our generous benefactors make it possible for our students and researchers to flourish, and find solutions to the issues that matter most. Join the thousands of donors worldwide who support our people and our work.

If you're particularly passionate about Australian animals, you can support our practical efforts to help ensure their survival through the Native Australian Animals Trust.

How to support us